Proximo’s global project finance survey 2023 is closing soon!

Please take 10 minutes out to fill in this survey – your responses are completely confidential and anonymous.

The survey has been designed for corporates, developers, sponsors and the financial community active within the project finance market. This will help Proximo produce a fantastic report which will assess which jurisdictions are most bankable and which firms have performed most strongly.

Take part in the survey here

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please get in touch with Marko Micovic at

Thank you in advance for your time in completing the survey!

About our reports

Proximo produce over four industry reports every year. Our research reports are curated from both quantitative and qualitative research with industry professionals to give the best insight on market sentiment. In addition to our global survey, we produce deep-dive research reports into particular sectors such as digital infrastructure.

Proximo’s data reports combine our accurate deal data with our trusted perspective, giving readers the context they need to analyse our figures more accurately. These reports give an annual overview with regional and sector breakdowns plus benchmarking tables.

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